Entrepreneurial Quotes
Browse a collection of my favorite quotes about leadership & business.
Difference makers would rather apologize for too much tenacity than regret having too much timidity. Pete Wilson
Experiment relentlessly: the #1 reason for failure; stop learning, stop growing, stop experimenting
Leave people guessing at whether you are working or playing, the rock stars in life are always doing both
Leader: someone who helps people succeed.
Perspective; look at everything as a test or experiment; creative lab
Create Value -> Reap Rewards... in that order
Work on your eulogy & epitaph more than your résumé; legacy stuff
Fire bullets to calibrate then fire calibrated cannonballs. Bullets; low risk, low cost, low distraction.
Bet small & gain empirical validation then make a big bet
Success leaves clues
Coachable, teachable, humble, grateful
Discipline = Doing what you have to do whether you 'feel' like it or not
Things don't just happen to change you. You write the program in your mind to enable it to happen.
A simple rule dictates my buying: Be fearful when others are greedy, and be greedy when others are fearful. Warren Buffett
Table stakes: cost of just becoming a me too player
Treat mistakes & failures as expensive tuition
Dollars invested in self education have massive returns
Being busy is a form of laziness — lazy thinking and indiscriminate action. -Tim Ferriss
Enthusiasm is contagious. It’s difficult to remain neutral or indifferent in the presence of a positive thinker.
The human spirit thrives on challenge
It’s easier to act your way into a new way of thinking than to think your way into a new way of acting. -Millard Fuller
Surround yourself with incredible people and you’ll go from “How could I ever do that?” to “How could I not?”
Most people settle for very average goals because it's "reasonable." One problem: average has a lot of competition. Go big and succeed more.
The #1 productivity secret; wake up early
Become a self feeder: make sure you are continually learning, growing, developing both mentally, spiritually, physically.
Slight edge: habits & disciplines practiced daily = compound effect over time
Our character is basically a composite of our habits. Because they are consistent, often unconscious patterns, they constantly, daily, express our character. Steven Covey
Character is simply the sum total of our beliefs as demonstrated through our actions. Perceptions shape the interpretation
I'm still tweaking the recipe for happiness, but here's the recipe for unhappiness: comparing yourself to others.
The people you surround yourself with are your greatest asset. Those who have walked through the fire can help you do the same.
Abundance mindset vs. scarcity mindset
“The impediment to action advances action. What stands in the way becomes the way.”
"A small team of A players can run circles around a giant team of B and C players." - Steve Jobs
The best way to find a current of good luck is to swim with great people. Jim Collins
Massive Action is the great differentiator. Ideas get copied every day. Few, however, are willing to match your effort!
What you believe matters. Belief = self-fulfilling prophecy. Bend reality. Make a positive dent in the universe. Steve Jobs
Be enthusiastic!, Smile, thank someone, praise/encourage someone, random act of kindness, learn from someone, coach & mentor, selflessness
Great things never came from comfort zones.
Audacious accountability; you consider your life from the point of view that how it goes and what happens is completely up to you--you are in the drivers seat of life.
The best sales people think of their jobs not so much as selling widgets but as selling insights about the widget business. Dan Pink
You will be the same in 5 years as you are today except for two things people you meet and the books you read
Feelings follow actions. Act as if. Act enthusiastic and you will become enthusiastic.
Actions x Time = Leverage. You do the math
Instead of complaining transfer to service: redirect
Self-discipline trumps IQ
Grit: hustle DNA
We must all suffer one of two things: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret or disappointment. Jim Rohn
Fear focuses attention. All the fun, interesting things in life come with fears.
Where can the smallest change make the greatest difference? Hugh Macleod
We are all 5-10 habits away from doubling our income or doubling our success in any area of life
Life is easy if you live it the hard way and hard if you live it the easy way
Coming up with great ideas is easy. The field narrows quickly when it comes to executing on them!
A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.
Strategy = resource allocation. Watch where your time, talent, energy and resources are spent--this is what shapes your life strategy
People will summarize your life in a sentence - pick it now.
Great leadership question: if you were me how would you do this differently?
Leaders, you gain influence (in part) by demonstrating you can 'Get Things Done!'. #leadership
Hire the right people and get out of their way
Be the type of person you'd always answer the phone for. Joe Polish
Your life is a choice. No matter the circumstances, you choose the kind of life you are going to live.
"The most dangerous place in your world - may be your comfort zone." John Ortberg
Whatever it is... do your BEST. This is the shortest route to fulfilling your Potential.
Habits are like financial capital: forming one today is an investment that will automatically give out returns for years to come.
"We manage to sameness - we lead to change." Andy Stanley
Enthusiasm makes difficult tasks easy
If an undertaking was easy, someone else already would have done it.
Authentic leaders know that one of their primary jobs is 'to replace themselves'. Mentor the next generation.
A great leader stands behind his team when they succeed and in front of them when they fail (take the bullets)
You know, sometimes all you need is twenty seconds of insane courage. Just literally twenty seconds of just embarrassing bravery. And I promise you, something great will come of it. Matt Damon from We Bought A Zoo
"Inaction breeds doubt and fear...If you want to conquer fear, do not sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy." - Dale Carnegie
If U desire to be a leader U must let go of a victim mentality, the more U see yourself as a victim the less effective your leadership.
You can choose comfort or courage but you can't choose both. Dan Sullivan
Leadership isn't a part-time job. Leaders, you're being watch 24/7. Act accordingly
The opposite of happiness is boredom. Excitement is the more practical synonym for happiness and it is precisely what we should strive to chase. Tim Ferriss
Strive daily to become the best version of you; continuous learning, improvement, experiments
It is the lack of self discipline that is the #1 delineating factor between the rich, poor and middle class. Robert Kiyosaki
Act as if...self-fulfilling prophecy
Hire a doer. Rent a thinker. Andy Stanley
Your success rate as a manager is 90% the result of how good you are at hiring the people around you.
Gratitude: the ultimate wonder drug for life.
Research shows people are happiest when they express gratitude publicly.
What gets measured gets managed
The things that get rewarded get done
Performance oriented people like to win. So clarify the win! Give your team a reason to high-five! @AndyStanley
Our goal is to have more at bats per unit of time & money than anyone else. Eric Schmidt Google CEO
Make a lot of small bets--experiment relentlessly.
When I am happy, I am more generous, kind, loving. Make happiness a priority.
Learn from those you aspire to be like and ignore everyone else
Excellence is born of preparation, dedication, focus, and tenacity; compromise on any of these and you become average.
Secret to success: daily habits/disciplines
Embrace risk as the theme of your life
There's nothing more appealing than someone who wants to try to grow their own idea.
"If it scares you, it might be a good thing to try.”—Seth Godin
Which 20% of sources are driving 80% of my desired outcomes and happiness?
Leave people guessing at whether you are working or playing, the rock stars in life are always doing both
Key to having enough time: eliminate TV and meetings
Productivity = wisdom + action
The moment you feel the need to tightly manage someone, you might have made a hiring mistake.
Whatever you track/measure will improve; spending, weight, fitness, reading, eating
Quantified self movement: tracking creates awareness, creates change
"The craftsman mindset focuses on what you can offer the world. The passion mindset focuses on what the world can offer you." – Cal Newport
We make our habits and then our habits make us.
Wisdom is making decisions today in light of where you want to be tomorrow @AndyStanley
I want those who KNOW ME BEST to RESPECT ME MOST. that's the true measure of SUCCESS.
Before you are a leader, success is all about growing yourself. When you become a leader, success is all about growing others. —Jack Welch
The power of daily actions compounded over time
Action expresses priorities. Gandhi
"Make a difference. Don't be satisfied with making a point." - Andy Stanley
"Whatever you are, be a good one.”
― Abraham Lincoln
Don't just go with the flow, create the flow!
Every so often, life presents a great moment of decision, an intersection at which a man must decide to stop or go; a person lives with these decisions forever.
If you empty your wallet into your mind your mind will fill up your wallet
The fastest way to become the person you want to be is to hang out with people who are already that way.
What does your daily regimen look like?
Your life doesn't get better by chance, it gets better by change: intentionality.
Expert status: top 5% knowledge in your narrow niche; read 10 books on your niche
Intelligence: the ability to make finer distinctions on a given subject matter
If you were me how would you do it differently? Great leadership question.
Learn to value "courage"as a much more important virtue than "success"
Regret minimization framework: when I am 80 yrs old will I regret doing ____ or regret not doing ___? Most people late in life have more regrets about things they didn't try. Jeff Bezos
The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man.
George Bernard Shaw
Change is the universal constant that allows you to get the most out of living and learning.
If you fail at least you failed while daring greatly...man in the arena. Teddy Roosevelt
Be willing to risk failure, risk being wrong. Life is about grand experiments...having the guts
Lifehacker; 20/80 focused, minimum effective dose, lifestyle designer, bucket list fanatic
I am a learning addict
The kind of food our minds devour will determine the kind of person we become. John Stott
#1 reason for failure; stop learning, stop growing, stop experimenting
Experiment relentlessly
Take massive action!
Belief = self-fulfilling prophecy
Expectations govern results
Leadership = influence
Who are the key influencers?
Lead with questions rather than statements
When you get inspired, leverage it to the hilt
Sales vs Finance: it's a lot harder to make it than it is to count it.
Become the best version of you; transform, grow, stretch, learn, experiment, test, track
Propose solutions instead of asking for them. I propose we try ___
Your net worth to the world can usually be determined by what remains after your bad habits are subtracted from your good habits. Ben Franklin
Be bold; make things happen!
It is easiest to live with a decision if it is based on an earnest sense of right and wrong
Courage is what takes over when confidence runs out.
If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more then you are a leader
There is nothing so useless as doing efficiently that which should not be done at all. Peter Drucker
Habits are what our lives, careers and bodies are made of
Obliterate complacency!
Grow a pair!
Be obsessed with being a lifelong learner in your craft
Get the right people on the bus, then decide where to go.
Anyone or anything that does not bring you alive is too small for you.
What was it about your leadership that produced these results? If you are the leader...own it!
I own the problem, I own the solution
Be an owner, not a victim
Busy is a victim word
2010 - present
2010 - present